Big Man on Campus

Big Man on Campus also known as The Hunchback of UCLA and The Hunchback Hairball of L.A. in the United Kingdom is a 1989 comedy film directed by Jeremy Kagan. It was written by and stars Allan Katz. It costars Corey Parker.

While attending a renaissancethemed carnival on campus, Alex gets involved in a scuffle after insulting another students girlfriend. When Cathy interjects herself into the fight, the creature suddenly comes to her defense. He motions affectionately toward Cathy, but is chased away by campus security, who manage to corner and capture him. After a cursory examination, the creature is brought to trial, where psychiatrist Dr. Victoria Fisk Jessica Harper is quick to label him as a menace to society. Cathy refutes the doctors opinion, stating that the creature was only trying to protect her. Another witness, Dr. Richard Webster Tom Skerritt, the head of the universitys Psychology department, suggests it might be possible to rehabilitate the creature.Finally the hunchback himself is called to the stand, where Dr. Fisk asks him who he believes is better qualified to determine his fate, Dr. Webster or herself. Demonstrating that the primitive creature can only repeat the last thing he hears spoken, he predictably answers, Dr. Fisk. She then further humiliates him by prompting him to describe himself as a complete and total fool. Given the evidence, Judge Ferguson John Finnegan orders that the hunchback be confined in a mental facility. When Cathy protests, the creature stands and acknowledges both her and the judge by name, leading the judge to overturn his ruling and award temporary custody to the university under the supervision of Dr. Webster, with the condition that should the creature exhibit any violent behavior, he will be institutionalized. ........

Source: Wikipedia